* The profound difference between the Bishops' Storehouse and the Lord's Storehouse.
* Becoming fluent in a new language in a matter of a few short weeks is a common, ordinary miracle repeated hundreds of times every month.
* The MTC has some of the best teachers in the church!
* Dozens of acronyms (CES, PEF, ITEP, S&I, DTA, SMS or PMG) make up the language of the MTC.
* Being together 24/7 as companions is challenging . . . for both of us.
* Everyone smiles, says hello and holds the door.
* The food is usually delicious - and abundant - and served hot when its supposed to be hot . . . and cold when its supposed to be cold . . . three times a day / seven days a week (including ice cream on Wednesday)
* The bed in our teensy, tiny apartment is really, really small - after sleeping in a kingsized bed for most of our married life.
* We have quickly become friends with dozens of amazing “total strangers” in our class.
* We miss our kids and grandkids every day.
* The campus seems very large especially when it is freeeeeeeezing cold outside.
* It really is possible to live without a big screen TV, a cell phone and Diet Coke at every meal.
* We will never assimilate into the population of the West Indies.
* Not having any “bling” (i.e., my diamond wedding ring, loop earrings and nail polish which we have been advised to leave at home) is harder than I thought.
* Sunday shoes worn daily quickly become uncomfortable, but flat shoes are rarely cute or stylish.
* The organization of this worldwide church is amazing!!!
* Regular and humble prayer strengthens me in many interesting ways.
* Giving up - even simple - bad habits is HARD to do!
* Being cold all the time is miserable.
* The scriptures - particularly the Book of Mormon - now speak to my heart in an entirely new way.
* The new Book of Mormon Seminary and Institute student and teacher manuals are WONDERFUL!
* With all the classes, devotionals, firesides and other activities . . . time is going very quickly.
* According to Elder Ed, 6 a.m. comes alot sooner than it used to.
* When we GET it, FEEL it, LOVE it, and LIVE it . . . we are about our Father’s business!
* Missionaries are the "hope of Israel"
* We still have lots of questions, but I wish EVERYONE could have the MTC experience . . . because the gospel IS TRUE. IT IS ALL TRUE!
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