Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Home is Where the Heart ... and the Snow ... Is!!!

On Monday, January 3, residents of Bloomington and all the other communities around St. George awoke to 2-inches of snow. People in Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York and other more northern communities will ask "so what?" but in St. George "white stuff" is rare (the last time was in 2008 . . . but before that, it was probably 5-7 years) and there is no snow removal equipment in any local municipalities or in the county. It has been snowing and freeeeeeeeezing all the time we have been here at the MTC, but snow in St. George has occurred only 3-4 times in the entire 32 years we have lived there. Although I am suffering from the cold, perhaps snow in St. George is the Lord’s way of reminding me just to stop complaining and “bloom where I am planted.”

1 comment:

Kaytee Postma said...

All I have to say is "Waaaah! Cry me a river!" LOL I have like 2 feet of snow right outside my front door.