A MESSAGE FROM YOUR MOM: Every choice you make is leading to your future. You'll know you're heading in the right direction if you have a FICO score over 640 and a current temple recommend!!! In terms of your health, SITTING is the new smoking …. and IF YOU WOULDN'T SAY IT FROM THE PULPIT AT CHURCH, YOU SHOULDN'T SAY IT ANYWHERE!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Holiday "Crunch Time"

Christmas on Provost Road

As with every other Christmas holiday, there was also a whole lot of coming and going. Stacy worked on Christmas day and Kendi spent the weekend at her dad’s house. Bruce and Georgia came over for dinner, Allysa and Josh came and went with Daxton, and everyone called to report on their gifts and activities.
On Sunday, we loaded Larry and Grandma Doris in the car and drove 2 ½ hours to meet Kelly, Gary, and Whitney - who drove down from Ogden - as well as Michael and Tara - who came from Pleasant Grove - for lunch at (not Uncle) Larry’s Drive-in in Fillmore. For two hours, we laughed, chatted and got caught up, then went outside for family photos before heading for home.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Joke is on the Doctor!

My annual physical with Dr. Claude Warner, an internist and a member of my ward, was an odd experience with this man I have gone to church with for years examining my body. After poking, probing and tapping in all the necessary places, he concluded I am a fine speciman of health - "with the pulse of a 20-year-old, and the heart and blood pressure of a 30-year old. I can’t find a single thing wrong with you!" I suggested he call my kids. They will be happy to share their list with him!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Men Who Are My Sons
From the temple on Friday morning, Ed phoned to ask if I would like to make a run over to Denver to join David and his family for Kole’s baptism on Saturday, November 7. I dropped everything in the hands of my able staff as we climbed into the car for the 10 hour drive along I-70.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Joy of Grandchildren
You’ve all heard me say it . . . "if I had known how much fun grandchildren would be, I would have had them first!" While we were in Provo last weekend, Taisley called a couple of times to find out when we were coming home . . . and Lilly wanted to know if she could come home with us - both questions Grandma loves to hear!
About Taisley: she is bright . . . happy . . . loves to sing . . . and is usually willing to do her chores without an argument! On General Conference weekend, she and I were rolling the coin in my piggy bank while listening to conference on TV. I thought I was the only one paying attention to the speakers until she suddenly looked up wide-eyed and said, "Oh, Grandma . . . I know that story. I heard it in Primary!" Then she preceded to tell me Lehi's dream from the Book of Mormon, almost verbatim. I was also touched by her sweet little voice humming along with the choir when she didn’t know the words to the songs . . . and singing all the verses to those songs she recognized. As a 2nd grader, she loves math and is doing addition and subtraction of 10's and 100's, reads well and comprehends what she is reading! She has lots of friends and seems content and well adjusted at home. I know there will come a day when her mother will move on and take her two daughters with her. That’s as it should be, but I will have a difficult time saying goodbye to Kendi and Taisley when that day comes!
About Lilly: at 2 ½, this child is absolutely amazing with a vocabulary which nearly surpasses mine! She responds appropriately to questions and can carry on an adult conversation with ease. She knows most of her colors and can sing the chorus to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" - imagine a teeny, tiny voice shouting out "glory, glory, hallelujah" on key and with gusto! She sings "I Am A Child of God"with very little help from anyone . . . and can sing at least two verses of "There Is A Green Hill Faraway" while most adults need a songbook. She’s still a lightweight physically, but mentally and socially, this child is an adorable strawberry-blond giant!!!
About Adyn: at 15 months old, our 12th grandchild has absolutely and completely captured my heart. I’ve always thought she looked just like her daddy, but she has her momma’s sweet personality. She is a quiet baby who entertains herself and is completely at ease with Braddock and Tubby, who outweigh her many times over. She comes for a visit only occasionally but jumps right into my arms each time, as if she just left our house. She has learned to download music to her mother’s cellphone - which Kaytee wishes she had not figured out - and can also push the right button to speed dial her grandpa Ed. She, too, is a lightweight, but has her Grandma wrapped right around her finger.
Of course, I love all my grandchildren and wish I could see them all more often - particularly Tylre and EJ who are both growing up so quickly and so far away. It is always fun to talk to Kaler, Kole and Kyle on the phone . . . to IM with Whitney . . . and, to see what a surprisingly good mother Allysa is with baby Daxton. We loved infrequent visits from Zachary whenever he came to St. George with Adam and Taj . . . and we miss those surprises now that he has moved back to live with his mother. Being a grandmother is truly a joy I would not trade for anything in the world!
Blessings of the Temple for My Family

So, on Friday, October 16, we drove to Provo where we picked up Michael, then headed to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple to act as proxies for my father Dexter LeRoy Henion, his sisters Leodice Wheeler and Eloise Elford,
All that is left to do now is for mother to do her own temple work, then Doris and Dexter Henion can be sealed for time and all eternity.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mom and Dad Visit Ely
"It's not the end of the earth, but you can see it from here!"
"Third Street is the edge of town"
“I hate small towns because once you've seen the cannon in the park there's nothing else to do"
and . . . "you don't have to use your turn signal because everyone already knows where you're going."
Kaytee and Josh live down the end of a long dirt road in a double wide modular home. It's not too bad, but has not been well cared for so
Kaytee has found the park, a tasty Mexican restaurant, and the Family Dollar store. But her new favorite store is Ridley's Market, which she says is the best place in town to shop for everything.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And the Award Goes to . . .

Monday, September 7, 2009
A Blast from My Past

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Cruising to Alaska

The Golden Princess, which set sail in 2001, weighs 109,000 tons and is 951 feet long. Passengers and crew total more than 4000, who combined are capable of consumming more than 11,500 pounds of seafood every week. Every year, this ship makes 19 voyages to Alaska during the summer, then relocates to the Hawaiian islands or the Caribbean for the winter months. Not a bad life!

Sunday, August 30, 2009
It Truly is a Small, Small World
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Patriot Guard Riders Gather in Ogden
Taisley came along on our PGR adventure. Besides motorcycles, we found lots of horses in Ogden. Tais loved every last one of them and wanted a photo to remember them by!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Roadtrip #2: A Visit to the Mile High City
Wyoming in five words or less: wide open prairie land, big cities which are actually teensy, tiny (Rock Springs [18,000 population], Laramie - the home of the University of Wyoming "Cowboys" [28,000], and Cheyenne [55,000]) . . . and entire communities made up of double wides and modulars!
We looked forward to getting home to see what Kendi got for her birthday (she turned 13 on July 19) and to enjoy the bounteous harvest of our garden. We leave on August 6 for our 3rd and final roadtrip . . . this time to Seattle and Alaska. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Rotarian of the Year Award
Friday, June 26, 2009
Roadtrip #1 - To San Francisco and Beyond
The first of three long distance roadtrips we have scheduled this summer (a total of one full month out of town during June, July and August) took us from St. George to San Francisco and home again - nearly 2500 miles roundtrip!
After a 2-day Medicare training in Salt Lake City (while Dad golfed), we traveled to Reno/Carson City, NV where we spent the night with my childhood friend Jan Peterson Free Gardner and her husband Ron. While there, we enjoyed a day exploring the beauty of Lake Tahoe where we snapped dozens of photographs - to meet Dad’s self-proclaimed quota of 100 photos a day - and had lunch before getting back on the freeway heading toward Sonoma and two days with Kris, Zachary and Erin.
Kris was scheduled to get home at 5:30 p.m. so we tried to time our arrival to coincide with hers. We pulled into her driveway at exactly the same moment. It was her last day working as the office manager for a local gastroenterologist (she is going back to the mortgage industry). After Kris and I got home from our pedicure appointments, we headed to Santa Cruz and the famous boardwalk (which I had never heard of, but which was fun, fun, fun!!!). We walked on the beach, ate corn dogs and ice cream cones, and rode roller coasters, the ferris wheel and other rides until the park closed at 10 p.m. then we settled in for the night at a truly grungy motel. (Eeeeewwww and ick!!!). On our way back to Kris’, we realized we were in peril of getting caught in the traffic coming out of the Nascar race . . . only a few miles from Kris’ home. We hurried our goodbyes and just barely made it past the track as thousands of Nascar enthusiasts came from every direction.
The next stop on our trip was San Francisco where we had arranged to use a week of our timeshare at the Best Western Carriage House hotel - a few short blocks from Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghiradelli Square and within
walking distance of the Moscone Center where California Governor Arnold Swartzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver spoke, along with Nancy Pelosi, Matthew McConaughey
and First Lady Michelle Obama at the opening session of the National Conference on Service (while Ed golfed!). There were more than 5000 non-profit program managers and volunteers trying to get into the session. Everywhere we looked there were hundreds of policemen, and big trucks identified as the bomb squad and every media outlet in the United States.
At the close of the conference in San Francisco, we accepted an invitation to dinner from Troy, his wife (the other) Linda Sappington and their two beautiful little girls - 5-year-old Thalia and 3-year-old Isela at their home in San Leandro, less than 20 miles from our hotel room. Linda and her mother
spent the afternoon creating a delicious Mexican dinner complete with bar-be-qued steaks (Troy was at the grill), homemade salsa and a huge bowl of guacamole. Troy and Linda are renting a nice big apartment which they have, over three years, turned into a lovely home. They have painted the rooms to match the symbols of Linda’s Mexican heritage. Troy has built a
beautiful redwood deck off the dining room and has plans for improving the landscaping, but the most impressive improvement to their home is the creation of a theater room, complete with a popcorn machine, a hot dog cooker and a huge screen. Oh, and did I mention all the "Star Wars" memorabilia, including a lifesize Darth Vadar and one of those red faced "enemy warriors." He is so enamored with this blockbuster series he even has a personalized license plate which identifies him as a fan. Troy lost his job this year when Mervyn’s declared bankruptcy and was out of work for nearly five months until he was hired by Ross Stores (yes, Kaytee . . . one of your favorite places to shop) where he now works as a senior purchasing agent.
On Wednesday afternoon we found Charlene anticipating our arrival at her new modular home in Coarsegold, California. She took occupancy in January, but was called to jury duty (the case involved a mass murderer and the death penalty) soon after she moved in, so is still trying to get settled. She and Tiffany (who lives about 10 miles away) are painting the rooms, redoing the kitchen cabinets and in every way, turning it into Charlene’s dream home. She notes this is the first time in her life she has ever lived alone and she is finding it to be a delightful experience.
That evening, we enjoyed pizza and salad at Tiffany and Bob’s house - which they share with their 3 sons Ben (aka "Beano" who has a delightful personality not unlike his father); Josh, who is a typical 10-year old and his twin brother Phillip who has far surpassed what doctors predicted would be the limits of his abilities. Bob currently works in Human Resources for the Fresno School District.
Tyson, Mandy and their three kids - adorable 4-year old Kylee and IDENTICAL 2-year-old twins Brennan and Bryce (or is it Bryce and Brennan - even their grandmother can’t tell them apart) drove the 40 miles from their home in Fresno to join us for dinner and conversation. Tyson works as a sheet metal fabricator where his talent is well compensated!
And, while we were in the neighborhood, we spent a morning at the spectacular Yosemite National Park before heading home to St. George.

While we were on the highway, Allysa and Josh welcomed Daxton Emery Beaumont into the world on Wednesday, June 24. Born at 10:35 p.m., this adorable little Josh-lookalike weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 oz. and is 20 inches long. Mother, baby and Grandma Stacy are doing fine!
The most exciting news we got this week was contained in a text message from Kaytee who reported the maximum security Nevada State Prison FINALLY called Josh. He starts as a prison guard on July 6th - one of about 400 employees overseeing more than 1100 incarcerated bad boys! My heart is breaking to think they will soon be living in Ely, Nevada (Kaytee hasn’t ever been there) . . . and taking our precious Adyn with them. I know it is best for them - Josh has been out of work for a year - but its hard for Stacy, Ed and me to get our arms around the fact they are moving away from St. George.
And finally, legend has it that there are usually 3 famous deaths at a time. On Wednesday, June 24, as Allysa went into labor with Daxton, 86-year-old Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson’s famous sidekick on the
Tonight Show succumbed to causes incident to age. When Daxton was only a few hours old, Farrah Fawcett - famous for her mane of curly blond hair and as one of TV's "
Charlie’s Angels" - died on the morning of Thursday, June 25 from cancer at the age of 62. That same afternoon, TV and radio stations all over the world, as well as the internet, went crazy with the news of the death of Michael Jackson from what is believed to have been a massive heart attack at age 50.

In the middle of the first of our three road trips, we also followed the news of our family and the world:
Grandma Henion placed a call to us indicating she was having plumbing problems. She had called in a professional who determined "the sky was falling" and gave her a bid of $4300 to fix the toilet, replace all the pipes and the water heater! A few phone calls to her bishop and to her home teacher found a reputable plumber willing to make the immediate repairs. Michael will go down to Corona as soon as he returns from his High Adventure Scout trip and replace everything needing replacing!
Grandma Henion placed a call to us indicating she was having plumbing problems. She had called in a professional who determined "the sky was falling" and gave her a bid of $4300 to fix the toilet, replace all the pipes and the water heater! A few phone calls to her bishop and to her home teacher found a reputable plumber willing to make the immediate repairs. Michael will go down to Corona as soon as he returns from his High Adventure Scout trip and replace everything needing replacing!

The most exciting news we got this week was contained in a text message from Kaytee who reported the maximum security Nevada State Prison FINALLY called Josh. He starts as a prison guard on July 6th - one of about 400 employees overseeing more than 1100 incarcerated bad boys! My heart is breaking to think they will soon be living in Ely, Nevada (Kaytee hasn’t ever been there) . . . and taking our precious Adyn with them. I know it is best for them - Josh has been out of work for a year - but its hard for Stacy, Ed and me to get our arms around the fact they are moving away from St. George.

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