At my most recent appointment, Michelle Graham, my nail lady since 1985, was sharing the details of her recent family reunion in Salt Lake City. She reported over the nail table of conversations with cousins from her Such-and-such family line, her So-and-so family line and with her relatives on the Godwin side! I nearly fainted. "Godwins? How are you related to the Godwins," I asked her wide-eyed. "Oh," she said casually, "my grandmother was a Godwin from North Carolina!" Well, as most of you know . . . my grandmother (Nana) was also a Godwin from North Carolina. Michelle does not know much about her family and as such, we were unable to make any connection to our common ancestor, but she has a brother who has done a lot of genealogy. I can hardly wait to meet him and pick his brain. Nevertheless . . . after 25 years, it was fun to discover
my nail lady is also my cousin!!!
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