Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Guyana Plane Crash

You probably didn't hear much about this plane crash on your favorite TV news channel in the states, but here in Guyana it was big news. On Saturday, July 30 a Caribbean Airways Boeing 737, inbound from New York City - with 137 (or 145 or 163, depending on which paper was reporting the story) passengers aboard, overshot the runway at Cheddi Jagan Airport in a heavy rainstorm, crashed into a chain link fence and broke apart.

Thankfully, a miracle occurred when the seemingly insignificant chain link fence was able to slow the plane's trajectory just enough to prevent it from going over a 200-foot embankment . . . and, as a result, all passengers - no matter how many there were - walked away!

It has been the subject of most conversations all week.

1 comment:

Truman and Carol's Mission Blog said...

It was a miracle. Were there any missionaries on board?