Saturday, May 7, 2011

Members in Guyana: Georgina Augustine

Sister Georgina Augustine taught a lesson on “change” in the Diamond Branch on our first Sunday in Georgetown, Guyana. As most teachers do, this Amerindian (descendents of the original inhabitants of Guyana) woman shared a little of her own life story.

She was born in the bush, had only a limited education, but loved to read. Her family home did not have electricity so she made some little coal lamps so she could read after dark (about 6 p.m. in Guyana). By age 12 she had read everything she could “beg, borrow or steal” so pleaded with her Catholic priest for a Bible. He told her she couldn't have one since only the priest could have a Bible! Somehow she came into possession of a tiny copy of this book of scripture which she read over and over again until she had almost memorized it.

At age 14, she moved in with the man she would live with for 27 years. At about age 40, she met the missionaries and, because of her knowledge of the Bible, recognized their message of truth. She desperately wanted to be baptized, but couldn’t until she and the father of her 8 children got married. Her children, who were by then all members of the Church, encouraged her to make him move out if he wasn’t willing to get married. Eventually, they were married . . . and she was baptized . . . but there is much more to her story.

She wept as she stood before the women of the Relief Society bearing her humble testimony and her great love for the Lord who had found her in this faraway land. She also told us she was promised in her patriarchal blessing she would use her skills and her great knowledge of the gospel to teach the women of the Church and “to bring souls to Christ.” What a delightful experience to meet those of the House of Israel here in Guyana, most who are descendants of Manasseh! The gospel is true!!!


Kaytee Postma said...

She's an american indian???? Is that what amerindian means???

Kaytee Postma said...

But she's from Guyana???