Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Language of the Caribbean

Years ago, while working as a freelance writer for St. George Magazine, a group of us created a list of distinctly southern Utah words. After being in the Caribbean for more than 3 months - and as we get ready to leave for Guyana - it feels like the right time to create a list of words specific to Trinidad. Here are some of my favorites from some of my favorite Trinis (notice the pattern of not pronouncing the "th"):

Tron / trew = “to cast away” as in “I trew da ball”

Da = “your paternal unit” or “the” as in “Da Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”

Tree = “the number between two and four”

Tird = “the number between second and fourth”

Tirteen - "the number between twelve and fourteen"

Tankful = “having gratitude” as in “I am tankful for my membership in da church”

Dos / Dis / Deez = those, this or these

Tings = “possessions or objects”

Fait = “to be believing of dos tings not seen”

Scripchas - any of the books of the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants or the Pearl of Great Price

Cateedral - a large church

Attority - "they who hold the keys of the kingdom"

Monday and Tuesday - any holiday weekend in Trinidad

Limin' - "kicking back" or "hanging with friends"


Dean and Elaine said...

So funny!

So you're leaving Trinidad? Are you going to start working with the PEF Program now in Guyana or something else?

Kaytee Postma said...

I love how the further along down the post you use more and more of the words. Funny post mommy!