Ed estimated more than 300 people showed up for my open house today to say goodbye and to wish me well. All three county commissioners, the sheriff, the mayor, U.S. Congressman Jim Matheson's aide, several agency heads and lots and lots of my wonderful volunteers came for hugs!
My boss, Ken Sizemore was complimentary, stating: Linda has dedicated significant time, talent and dedication in fostering a wide-ranging network of volunteers who donate thousands of hours in bettering the lives of those residents and visitors to southwestern Utah. This network is one of the largest in the western United States and is widely recognized as a leader in volunteer management. Linda has displayed superb motivational and organizational skills in leading programs which reach out to all age groups, income levels and interests. All will miss her excitement, energy and enthusiasm in building a successful and vibrant volunteer network.
My bosses at the Corporation for National and Community Service (Utah State Office) were also complimentary, noting:
You will be greatly missed by the National Service community in Utah. For many years you have been one who "get's things done." Your creativity and innovation is second-to-none (Jake Murakami, State Director)
You have been such a great example of an innovative leader. You have helped so many of us as new RSVP project directors (Jane Quist, Program Specialist)
Many gave me cards - some with money and some with little loving gifts - with sweet messages, such as:
I will really, really miss you (Lynn Espinoza)
It has been a real joy to know you and to work with you in the volunteer program (Crane and Shanna Simmons)
Michelle Hill from Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah wrote, "you have been such a delight to work with and so convenient (down the hall from my office). This affiliate was thinking about shutting down last summer but you were determined to keep us going . . . and look at us now! Thanks, Linda, for pushing us forward and keeping Habitat in our community."
Thank you for all you have done for the Senior Companion Program. Your concern, knowledge and compassion have taught me a lot (Adele Burbridge)
I will always cherish our association over the ten years I've been a Senior Companion and I will miss you. You have so much talent and I know you will be a great missionary (Delaine Anderson)
I can't make it to your farewell party because I will be tending grandchildren butI wanted to at least email you and let you know how much I admire you and your many talents. You have done a great job. You probably know all the volunteers by name, because you know mine and I don't even volunteer that often anymore. Besides that, I think you are too young to be retiring, hopefully that means you will be doing some things that you have wanted to do and haven't had the time. Good luck in whatever you will be doing. You will be missed. (Nadine Adams)
You are one-of-a-kind. Thank you for all you have done to make our community what it is today! You have inspired me to always look for the good and keep a positive attitude come-what-may. YOU are a unique and wonderful woman and I am so blessed to have known you (Karyn Wright)
Thank you for your tremendous contributions over the years to life in southern Utah (Dian Robinson and Janeen Holt)
Thank you for your friendship through the years. You have done a wonderful job and helped many of us in many, many ways. You will be missed. (Ila Mae Julian)
It's not going to be the same without you. Thank you so much for helping me find a way to stay busy after I lost my husband. You saved my life. Thank you for being an important part of my life (Granetta Breeze)
Bud and I have so appreciated all of our contacts with you. You have been such a help to so many people for many years (Bud and Shirley Brown)
Thank you for your sweet friendship to Ken and me. It has been a genuine pleasure knowing you (JoAnne Parkes)
It was a bittersweet experience to hug those I have loved and served with over the past 16 years. My final day at the office will be October 31 when I step down from my position. I will so very much miss these people who have served as my volunteers while also becoming my friends.