Saturday, May 9, 2015

Two Miracles in Guyana

Our brother Granger (left), a baptized and endowed member of the Georgetown Branch,
and (right) his brother David Granger, President of Guyana!
Anyone who has ever served in Guyana knows the socialist government of this small South American country has, for many years, restricted the number of foreign missionaries from the LDS Church to 20.  In fact, in about 2008, our missionaries were rounded up and expelled from the country, after spending a night or two in jail.  No doubt, Guyana’s leaders were convinced if they tossed our missionaries out … the Church would cease to exist. 

However, the first of two miracles occurred as the result of the ousting of Mormons from their borders.  When the “foreign” missionaries left Guyana, about 30 young Guyanese members stepped forward and said, “send me … I will serve!”  The result is a growing number of strong members of the Church who are now married and raising strong families who will one day lead the Church … and the country with the wonderful skills they learned in service to their Heavenly Father and His children.

While working in the Georgetown mission office we struggled with the limit on our missionaries.  In the time we served in Guyana, there were five missionary couples (Sappington, Harris, Treseder, Summers and Ricks) which meant half of our contingency were seniors who were not proselyting or teaching.

Several times, we sent member ambassadors to speak to Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar, who had family members in the Church.  We were all hopeful we would have a favorable response, but not so … and many of us were convinced this problem would be with the Guyana Church forever more.

However, in May 2015, elections were held and the surprising victor was David Granger, a member of the People’s National Congress, and the younger brother of our own Brother Frederick Granger … a baptized and endowed member of the Georgetown Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  President Granger is not, himself a member, but he has attended church with his brother and is sympathetic to our needs.

Not long after he took office, President Granger reviewed the Church’s history and status in his country, and, finding no reason to deny the Church’s request, granted an increase in the number of foreign missionaries – from 20 to 60!  Needless to say, everyone was ecstatic.  God, indeed, does move in mysterious ways.  We need only be patient to see how His hand can “move mountains.”  Now we are all eager to see what good will come as a result of the Lord’s granting of this second miracle.

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