- the secretary's job description
- ethics in the workplace
- telephone etiquette
- the receptionist's job description
- communication skills
- meetings, agendas and minutes
- interviewing for a job
- "Me in 30 Seconds"
- updating a resume
. . . and of course, basic computer skills (including Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point)
I only had three students (although 5 more showed up for the second week). Christopher Jordan is the district executive secretary. Esadai Gangadeen is the district Primary secretary and Marlyn Waterman is the president of the local HIV / AIDS Association with more than 400 people receiving services from ONE small clinic in our neighborhood.
Christopher is the only one who had any computer skills at all. The other two had never even touched a computer, but after a week, Sister Gangadeen almost cried when I told her class was over and it was time to go home! "Please, can't we stay and practice for a little while longer?" I had to laugh at the difference in her attitude in just a week!
The most surprising thing about this venture is that I can give them a certificate which they can use to get a job!
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