Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Scariest Thing in Guyana

There are some pretty scary things in Guyana, but what scares Trekker, our Traveling Tiger the most is not the large tree frog on the front wall of our house (although his red eyes looked a little menacing). It is not the 8-foot boa constrictor we nearly ran over this morning – in the middle of town - on our way to the Church (which is the reason we don’t go for evening walks since these very large snakes are nocturnal [who knew?] and come out at night looking for dinner).

Nope, Trekker has decided the scariest things in all of Guyana are the millions of mini-buses running around, lickity-split, carrying up to 20 total strangers in a 12-passenger van! The mini-buses go where ever they want to go, at whatever speed they want to travel, and stop “on a dime” in the middle of the road if they see someone who might want a ride waving their Guyana dollars in an effort to be picked up!

Everyday we take our life in our hands when we start the engine. Trekker is so nervous in the car, he puts his head down and closes his eyes until we are safely to our destination. Yikes!


Mike said...

Sounds like my mission. Just honk a lot. It helps trust me.

Dean and Elaine said...

That has such a familiar ring to it! The taxi drivers here are absolutely crazy as well and seem to own the road. Every time we drive into the MTC parking lot, Dean says: "Well, we cheated death again!"

Kaytee Postma said...

Gosh no Kidding!!!!!! Seriously if I was there I'd ride a bike or something. Who would want to be behind the wheel driving in that?!?!?!

Kaytee Postma said...

I think Taxi drivers are crazy in general though. I took Kris back to the airport in Vegas after she came for Stacy's wedding and the taxi drivers didn't even look where they were driving, just pulled right out in front of us.