PEF - a “bold initiative” which this year celebrates a decade of helping more than 50,000 young men and women in developing areas around the world - currently has nearly 750 students in schools throughout the Caribbean, including 17 in Trinidad . . . but only 1 in Guyana!!!
The Guyana Country Committee, on which we serve as the ERS Specialists, is committed to moving PEF forward in a country desperately in need of educated workers in the fields of accounting, medicine, technology, education, computers and in management and administration in all these fields.
We are keenly aware the Lord is mindful of Guyana’s needs and is poised and ready to fulfill President Gordon B. Hinckley's words when he who prophesied in 2001, PEF - a modern miracle and a catalyst for growth in the Church - will make it possible for these people to:
“. . . become leaders in this great work in their native lands”
“. . . pay their tithes and offerings which will make it possible for the Church to expand its work across the world”
“. . . step out of the cycle of poverty they and generations before them have known”
We are so pleased to be part of the beginning of this great work in this wonderful country.
That is good news!!! Linda, you may be like Esther! This may be the moment that all of your training and talents have led you to fulfill. I'm sure Ed has done a lot too, but can't think of any scripture analogy for him right now :) Alma 37 "By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass."
that's pretty amazing!
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