Soon after their wedding day, they set off on their life journey, eventually settling in Denver, CO. David, who has spent his working career in retail, has been skeptical about getting into manufacturing, but he brings an amazing management skill set to his new job as Chief Operating Officer and if allowed to do so, will take Wild Coyote Foods beyond the dream of family members – including his father-in-law - who have operated the business since it first began in Aunt June’s Santa Clara kitchen.
We are so excited to have our son, his beautiful bride and their three boys Kaler Sappington (21), Kole (18) and Kyle (15) as our new neighbors and ward members.

Kaler and Kole have both been accepted to BYU-Idaho but due to the current coronavirus situation, don’t know if they will be able to attend in-person for the immediate future. Kyle is the one most impacted by this move. He just graduated from middle school in Denver, and thought he was going to start high school in August. Turns out he will be attending one more year at Dixie Middle School (or whatever it will be called after all is said and done), the school his mother and father attended at his same age.
I have prayed for this day for several years and am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing in our lives.
Yay! So excited to have them back in SG!!
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