Soon after his mission, Selwin married Brianna Teddie Bair on November 26, 2016 and since she is a hometown girl, I have high hopes they will remain in St. George at least for a few years.
But, Simeon has now relocated to Utah County where he will be working during the summer months before he and Stephanie Shipley of Springville are married on August 5. He will also attend Utah Valley University toward a degree in Information Technology.
I will miss our late night runs to “Wally World” for milk or to CostCo for whatever. I will miss his look of total delight at finding both jello and a full can of whipped cream in the fridge at the same time; and, his calling me “mom” even though I know I’m not his mom and knowing he and his identical twin brother call all “mature” women mom (with a lower case “m”). I will miss him asking, “what’s for dinner” even though its only been 2 hours since we last ate! I will miss our discussions about essay topics and the gospel; his devotion to his Heavenly Father as demonstrated by his insistence on wearing his white shirt and tie all day on the Sabbath; his amazing prayers, talks and Family Home Evening lessons.
I have been so pleased with how easily my six kids have embraced these two exceptional young men as family members; and, how easily most of my neighbors and ward members have befriended them, as well. And, loving them both has been very easy for me, too.
Like my own children, I knew when they first arrived, they would leave one day to make their way in the world. I just didn’t think it would get here so quickly.
I have been in charge of my ward's Empty Nesters group for the past couple of years during which time several ward members have "questioned" how I could be in charge, but not be an Empty Nester. Seems I am now official!!!
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