Before leaving for Montana, we took Taisley with us when we volunteered for "Thriller" at Tuacahn. She was nervous because some of her friends told her it was "really, really scary" but what she quickly found out is that it was really, really fun ... and only "Halloween scary."
Lilly's mom transformed her into a beautiful Elsa (from "Frozen"). Being Elsa was probably the most popular little girls costume this year, but NOBODY had a more beautiful costume than Lilly, custom made especially for her tiny body by her talented mother and a costumer for the Utah Opera Company. Michael tagged along in the search for candy as Olaf (also from "Frozen"). In Denver, Kaler considered himself too old for trick-or-treating so decided to stay home and pass out candy to those ghosts and goblins who rang their doorbell, but Kole was a Poindexter (not sure what that is, but he looked so cute) and Kyle was a catcher for his favorite baseball team, the Boston Red Sox. Adyn was Belle (from "Beauty and the Beast"), Skylar was an adorable Snow White and Taisley was a purple minion (from "Despicable Me, Too").
But of all the ghosts and goblins in the family, the one who scared us most was Daxton, who spent the three days before Halloween in the hospital with viral meningitis. It was frightening to know this little guy ran a very high temperature and spent his time in total isolation to prevent the spread of what they hoped was NOT bacterial meningitis.
Not everyone enjoys Halloween, but personally, I think it's great fun. We were amazed at how many people in Anaconda decorated their yards for the trick-or-treaters, but no one does trunk-or-treating like our ward in Bloomington. So now that this fun night is behind us, we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas ... in the meantime, don't forget to brush and floss!!!
1 comment:
Yes Trunk or treat is pretty epic in your ward! I am always disappointed to see the non-level of imagination from ward members not from your ward! Halloween is always fun up here with all the activities for the kids but I was ready to be done by the time the day was over!
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