First, because there are 11 countries within the boundaries of the mission with 12 different governments and many complicated government regulations for immigration.
Second is because there are multiple languages spoken (English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Suriname Tonga and Creole).
Third is because there are 7 currencies. In Trinidad/Tobago, the money is called “TT” money and is exchanged at a rate of 6.34 to 1 while in Guyana the exchange rate is 200 to 1 – although Guyanese money is worthless anywhere except in Guyana. As such, it was a real shock to the system when we went to the grocery store for the first time to pick up a few things and the bill came to $765 (about $125 in USD).
The geography of the WIM makes for difficulties as well. Since most of the mission includes islands, the only way to access many of the members is by boat or airplane – which also makes it very expensive to visit.
Food is really not as much of a problem as we expected. There are a great many American brands here (i.e., Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway and others) but we have enjoyed some of the local dishes (such as bake-and-shark . . . see "Take 2 Aspirin and Go To The Beach"). But there are some real oddities such as mustard and ketchup on pizza . . . and others we haven’t even tried yet. Many of the missionaries tell us we can't leave Trinidad without trying doubles!

Few get married. Working – or not - is “no big deal” and many – especially the young people are absolutely content with the “status quo” so there is only a small percentage of young people who want to better themselves!
But, while these issues make administration of the WIM difficult, they are also contributing to making our mission service rich and rewarding as we learn to appreciate, explore and accept! Despite these seeming concerns, it’s still a great adventure!
We would like to see more of Trekker..what has he been up too? Where has he been..what is he wearing..last we heard had just eatin' shark..???
Hi! My name is Karla. My parents Elder and Sister Henderson just arrived to your mission on Sunday morning. I hope you'll get to meet them. If you see them please send them our love from home. Thanks for your blog and your service.
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