The numbers are not in yet, but Washington DC had better be listening because millions of the "silent majority" from every race, creed, color, ethnicity, religion and yes, even political persuasion, stood up today in an estimated 2000 cities across the United States to say, "we are fed up with the way this country is being run . . . and the tax burden which has been placed on the people and we're not going to take it anymore!"
Here in little old St. George, Utah approximately 2500 residents gathered on the college campus tonight to send a rallying cry to our government "leaders" (a little joke). The main stream media is going to have a hard time turning a blind eye to this tremendous outpouring of irate citizens.
Our country is in a terrible mess!!! Is it Bush's fault? Yes? Is it Obama's fault? Yes, but its also Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton's fault. It's the fault of the Democrats . . . and the Republicans, the President (whichever one you want to name) and definately the fault of our Congress! And probably I'm even partly to blame because I voted for some of these guys who call themselves leaders! Including Obama's stimulus package(s), our government has now indebted (or is it indentured) the next ten generations of Americans, even if they don't spend another cent.
Another indicator of the mood of the country . . . (conservative) Fox News now has more viewers than CNN and MSNBC
Not sure where this energy will go from here . . . but I don't think its over and it sure feels good to finally have a voice, because hey, I thought I was the only one who was "tea'd off" by all this insanity! I think we should dump all our congressmen and senators "overboard" and start over . . . and if Glenn Beck wants to run for president, I would vote for him in a heartbeat!!!