By the end of the 2-week class Sister Sukhdeo, who is ready for a change, felt she now has enough skill to apply for a job . . . Tanuja has decided to go back to school so she can go on to college . . . and both Brother Lall and Elder Sappington felt they had learned some things about the computer they didn't know. In addition to their new skills, all left the class with a "graduation" certificate and a fresh, clean and newly updated resume!
On that note, we are thrilled that 100% of jobseeking members with whom we have worked have been successful in getting a job! We do help them to a small degree to find employment opportunities, but the most important help we give is to update their resumes - including a list of skills they have developed as fulltime missionaries and in their callings as members of the Church - to help them develop an effective "Me in 30 Seconds" statement, and teach them how to interview!
One of our students told us yesterday, he took his resume, his "Me in 30 Seconds" statement and his newly honed interviewing skills to three job interviews on Friday . . . and got offers from all three!!!