On Thursday there was Thanksgiving with the missionaries . . . then on Friday, calls from four young single adults reporting we had helped them all find jobs . . . and receipt and delivery of our first three PEF checks! Wow, what a great way to end one week and start probably the most boringly dull 7 days of our mission. Because of the Guyana elections on Monday, November 28, we were sequestered for a week by order of our mission president who was willing to sacrifice a few days of work to avoid any possible violence to us and the other missionaries.
During our 7-day lockdown, we used our time wisely and well, making phone calls, scheduling appointments at our apartment, getting caught up on some reading, doing some planning for the next few weeks, sleeping in (once or twice) and watching a few missionary-appropriate movies on DVD, while keeping an ear to the news channel for updates on when it will be safe to go back to work.
As it turns out, there were only a few isolated instances of disgruntled voters, a little paint thrown, some tires burned . . . and lots and lots of heavily armed police men ready to thwart any civil unrest. The election results: PPP/C Pdt. Ramotar was voted in by a very slim margin, but this Communist leader, in an already Socialist country has had his hands tied by the election of 7 new members of his parliament where the opposition is now the majority party . . . for the first time in Guyana’s history. It is going to be an interesting situation to watch!