On Saturday, May 8, Taisley Ann Foote was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Grandpa Ed while Kendi and Grandma Linda spoke on baptism and the Holy Ghost. It was a beautiful day with Kaytee and Adyn, Allysa, Josh and Daxton, Stacy and Kendi all gathered together for this special event.

We also enjoyed the company of longtime family friend Dori Wilkerson, our home teachers Ray and Ruby Robinson, Taisley's Primary president (and Utah's former Governor) Olene Walker, Billie Clinger and several of Taisley's friends from the neighborhood.
After the baptism, we returned to the house and enjoyed hamburgers, chips and (Kaytee's homemade) salsa, cake (with about 2 inches of frosting by special order of Kaytee and Stacy) and lots of conversation and pictures. As with any Sappington festivity, there were a few moments of high stress, but still it was a lovely and memorable day.