It’s true . . . Mickey Mouse and I are on "the outs"!!! "Why," he might wonder and you may ask? Because the little critter with oversized ears and red pants is responsible for more than doubling the workload at the already, very busy Volunteer Center of Washington County since the introduction of the "Give A Day, Get A Disney Day" program. Kicked off on New Year’s Day, this program - which provides a free pass to a Disney theme park for those over age 6 who give 4-8 hours of service in their community - has been responsible for some wonderful benefits.

We have received an estimated 500 quilts and blankets in various sizes . . . Tuacahn and several other non-profit agencies have been the recipients of a great deal of much-needed service . . . and Habitat for Humanity told me on Friday, they had taken more than 500 pounds of aluminum cans to the recycling center. But, in our office, the program has generated at least 4000 e-mails and phone calls in the past 60 days! The phones are ringing when we come in each morning, they are still ringing when we shut the lights off at night and my staff reminds me every day that I signed up for this insanity!!! To date, we have verified the service of about 750 Washington County residents who have now received their free pass.

In addition to the extra work, this program has also brought out the "ugly people" - those who feel they are entitled - or else! We have had people yell at us, send us nasty e-mail messages and bring us in dirty blankets claiming to have made them "just yesterday!" There are 1,000,000 tickets being given away by the Disney Corporation between January 1 and December 31; but, as of February 28 more than 600,000 have already been claimed . . . so the worst is nearly over . . . and, hey, what do I care, I have my pass to Disneyland!!!