Our few short years in the Brentwood Ward (1967 - 1971) were filled with faith, fun and friendships and on Saturday, May 23 at the beautiful Provo home of former Brentwoodite Lance Turner, more than 40 years peeled away as we stood face-to-face with many of our post-college friends.

Former Salt Lake County Commissioner Tom and Junko (Grace) Shimizu (who served on the Relief Society General Board many years ago) organized the affair with a committee including Ilse DuBois. There were many we didn't know

(even a couple from St. George currently serving a mission in Salt Lake), but those familiar faces in attendance included Tom and Junko, Steve and Ilse DuBois, Brian and Diane Breese, Bob and June Page, Gary and Collette Delgado, Bill Jacobsen and his brother and sister-in-law

Soren and Susie Jacobsen; Bob and Jim Holiday and their sister Charlene Whitehead and her daughter Deanna. We also saw (but honestly didn’t remember)

Marilyn Blackett, who says she used to babysit our kids. Those we had hoped to see, but who were unable to attend (because of distance or other obligations) included Lonnie and Marian Fawcett, Steve and Darlene Bradbury, Jack and Gail Reese and Joan Holiday!

It was fun to see everyone again and to know that
"the more part of them are in the path of their duty and do walk circumspectly before God and do observe to keep his commandments." In the few short hours we spent together, we heard of their successes and challenges in the past four decades and relived the good times we shared.

Many remembered the story of the Sunday morning when Mitzi (our little black puppy) was run over and killed by our neighbor. We had a good laugh remembering Bishop Doug Cusworth's (now deceased) reaction when - after ending Priesthood meeting to come to our aid - he found out it was our dog, not our daughter, who had been killed.

The only thing I regret is that we didn’t bring our snapshots of the famous Brentwood Ward roadshow
"How To Succeed in the Roadshow Business without Breaking Up the Ward." I've made a mental note to remember to bring those pictures in five years when Junko plans to do this all again!!!